Tuesday, February 26, 2013

The Cowtown Half Marathon - CHECK!

On Sunday, 2/24/13, I ran my first half marathon!!!
I really failed to train for it as I should have.  Stupidly, I signed up for this Insanity challenge and thought I could do both.  I was wrong!  It was way too much, so I primarily focused on Insanity and just did long runs on the weekend.   Prior to the race, the longest I had run was 10 miles.  I injured my knee during that 10 miles....so prior to the race, I hadn't ran in about 3 weeks.  Needless to say, I was a little worried!

Overall, I was happy with my time (considering the above). 

I arrived at 5:30am for the sunrise service.

Tari and I met up afterwards, around 6:30am.


I had intended on taking some pics during the race, but I didn't!

At mile 1, I took off my gloves & jacket and tied it around my waste.  It sure didn't take long to warm up, even though it was only about 40 degrees out. 

There were stations set up about ever 1.5 miles with water and Powerade.  I took advantage of them all!

Somewhere around mile 4-5, my knee really started to hurt.  Then shortly thereafter, my heel (which I'd injured the day before the race) began to hurt, although I had wrapped it and though I'd given myself enough cushion.  Guess not. 

I tried my best to ignore it all and just keep going.  I think it was around mile 6 or so when I took my first walk break.  I don't think I ever walked more than 10-15 seconds, but I would slow down enough to just talk myself back into running (jogging) again.  

The crowds and cheerleaders were AMAZING.  The signs along the route were both funny and encouraging.  Every high five or "you've got this. Keep going" was appreciated.  This was the longest race I've done (other races were just 5K's) and I can say I definitely developed a huge appreciation for those on the course encouraging us.  In a 5k, it isn't really needed so much, but when you get further along in a course and are really struggling, those cheers are what help keep you going.  I'm vowing now to cheer in future Cowtown Events if I can't run in them! 

My husband, daughter, mom and mother-in-law were waiting for me at the finish line. 

They were probably about 0.2 miles from the finish....I was so glad I saw them! 

(there I am, in the pink/purple)

Immediately after - exhausted!!!!!!

After Tari finished (I'd recovered a little)

All in all, it was a great race!  I'll definitely do it again (hopefully a little more prepared next time)!

OFFICIAL COWTOWN TIME:   2:35:11  (11:50/mile avg)