Monday, August 19, 2013


I'm 99% sure I have lost any readers (probably all 2 of them) I won't take much time editing or putting too much thought into this post! :)

It's just time to be honest!  With you (if you're reading) and myself.

I have gained about 20 pounds since my lowest weight.  GAH.  Sickening.  I'm working on getting it off though....and here's are a few reasons why I'M GOING TO DO IT.

1.  I need to fit in my jeans this fall/winter!
2.  Self-confidence
3.  I miss the way my shoulders were starting to look.
4.  I want to encourage others...hard to do when I'm not on track myself.  Need to walk the walk.
5.  I want to be a good example of health for my child.
6.  I want a flat stomach again.
7.  I want to get back in those size 6 pants I wore a little over a year ago!
8.  I've signed up for the Cowtown Half 2014 -- and I MUST beat my time from 2013!
9.  Next year, I will fit back in my favorite summer skirt that I couldn't wear this year!
10.I FEEL better when I eat healthy and have some of this weight off.

Those are just a few reasons!

So here's what I'm doing...

Boot camp - 3 days/week
Focus T25 (Shaun T workout - 25 min/day 5 days a week)
Refocusing on my food intake and trying to avoid the crap I've been putting in my body!

So that's pretty much it!  Whew - glad I got that out :)

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